Abs Aren't All That

by hannahandfitness

The most frequent question I am always asked is “How do you get your abs?” or “What ab exercises do you do?”. Firstly, let me start by telling you I train my abs once a week for 30 minutes, MAX (find out more about my ab routine here) Secondly, the obsession with having abs or a six pack (in my opinion) needs to stop – abs aren’t all that. Trust me.

If you follow me on Instagram {@hannahandfit} then you’re probably well aware that I have abs. However, I assure you I do not have them all day long & just like many others I do the ‘ab check’ to see if they’re still there after meals. But, why? Why are we so obsessed with abs? Do they define us as a person? Does it make us instantly fitter/healthier than those who do not have abs? No, it doesn’t.

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Abs do not define your fitness abilities

As I just previously stated, having abs does not mean you are fitter or stronger. Abs do not define someone’s fitness abilities. It could be due to genetics or diet – mostly the reasoning for my ab existence. But also, down to body fat percentage. We all have abs but if you have a layer of fat hiding over them then you’re not going to be able to see them. It’s quite simple really yet many people complicate the subject of abs with fitness myths such as fat spot reduction, 8 minute ab exercises etc…

Not everybody wants abs

Just because you see abs as an attractive part of the body doesn’t mean that everybody else will. In fact, have you ever found yourself in the position where you’ve met somebody before with a great figure – strong, lean and everything you could possibly want yet their personality lacks to compare? Yup. To me, it’s important to see the qualities inside a person much more than their physical appearance.

Having abs all year round isn’t attainable, or fun for everyone

Unless you have good genetics (like me – sorry!) then you’re probably going to have to work quite hard for ab definition. Especially if you tend to carry more fat around your stomach. So, unless you stick to a pretty clean diet all year round and keep to your workouts then attaining those abs is going to be quite hard. Holidays, parties, weekends, heck.. things gets in the way sometimes – and that’s perfectly ok! It’s a thing called LIFE.
Could you imagine a life where you had to say no to family BBQ’s, ice-creams, alcohol and creating special memories because you were too concerned about maintaining your abs? I know what kind of life I would rather!

Sorry but, abs are revealed in the kitchen

I’ve said this so many times before but i’ll say it again – abs are made in the gym but revealed in the kitchen. Although my abs are mostly down to genetics I do believe that my diet also plays a massive part in their definition. You can’t out train a bad diet – fuel your body with the energy and nutrients it needs. Now, this is where Instagram comes into it. You’ve probably seen all the amazingly wonderful food creations of chocolate pancakes, brownies etc and then wonder how that person looks the way they do? Well, it’s down to a thing called IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros). Basically, these people are still eating within their macro count but choosing to fill it with foods they enjoy – and yes they do eat healthy things too (I had to be the annoying one to ask – haha!) But, I find that having a clean diet 80% of the time is so important as well as drinking lots of water!

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For me, having abs doesn’t define me as a person. I don’t work my little booty off for them, I don’t starve myself (carb lovin’ me couldn’t possibly do that!), I don’t obsess over them, I don’t avoid treats or events to keep them. To me, happiness and living life is so much more important than how my body looks. Sure, i’ll have a large pizza or takeaway once a week and then look like I’m 10 months pregnant. Sure, i’ll wake up some days and be flat as anything with absolutely no definition. I don’t have abs all day, everyday – to me that’s not realistic for my goals or lifestyle. I’m quite happy with my little ab fame in the early hours of the morning – anytime after that… bye bye!


Hannah signature name



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heavybarbell August 10, 2016 - 10:32 pm

I agree that abs are over rated. There are a bunch of guys and girls who aren’t all that fit but have abs because of genetics. There are definitely better barometers than an definition to judge progress

heavybarbell August 10, 2016 - 10:32 pm


cerisedg August 11, 2016 - 12:12 am

Amen! Can’t work on gaining muscle mass at the same time as having a six pack, ive tried it and failed ? haha x

jessicaannebrowne August 15, 2016 - 3:07 pm

love this post babes ! https://j-anne.co/


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