Choc Chip Chickpea Blondies

by hannahandfitness

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The first time I tried Blondie Brownies I quite literally died and went to food heaven. Ok, a bit dramatic but they were that good. However, over the past few weeks i’ve seen chickpea brownies/blondies flying all over the internet and it’s something i’ve been wanting to try for agggessss. So, what else do you do on a Sunday evening? We bake of course. And the results were pretty impressive. Truth be told, I expected the chickpea flavour to put me off but with the vanilla flavouring throughout it combines quite well. Plus, the chocolate certainly boosts the texture and flavour too. These blondies are not only healthy but they’ve also got a touch of protein! Bonus.

Give it a go and see what you think…

Serves 8


1 tsp vanilla extract
1 can chickpeas (240g)
1 scoop MissFits vanilla protein
4 squares cocoa+ cut up into pieces
1 tsp coconut oil
2 tbsp oats
4 tbsp Freedom dark fruit syrup
1/2 tsp baking powder
Pinch salt
3 egg whites

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Before you begin start by pre-heating your oven to gas mark 4.

In a food processor add the chickpeas and whizz until you have a smooth mixture. Add the rest of the ingredients apart from the chocolate. Again, blitz all of the ingredients together. Cut up two squares of chocolate (into small pieces) and stir through the mixture.

Line a brownie tin with parchment paper and pour in the mixture. Top with the remaining chocolate (cut up) and place in the oven to bake for 25 minutes. Once baked (your knife should be clean after cutting into the middle of the brownies) remove your brownies from the oven and leave the brownies to cool to a warm temperature. Now, I tell you this because I swear the only way you must eat these are when they are gooey warm with the chocolate melting through them. The gooeyness is just something else!

Let me know if you try them & enjoy!



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jlstanding October 6, 2016 - 11:50 pm

Great idea! I’m sure chickpeas could definitely throw some people off, but I love them so much so I’m sure I would dig these healthy blondies!


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