Nike Unlimited You / 2016

by hannahandfitness

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Sunday morning I arrived at The Old Truman Brewery in Brick Lane, East London to take part in Nike’s Unlimited You event of which I was kindly invited to by JD Sports. No words will ever be enough to do the event and its atmosphere justice.  When Barry’s Bootcamp, KOBOX and Nike collide in a pretty big event then you know you’re in for one hell of a ride. A very sweaty, exhilarating ride.

The event held by Nike, ‘Unlimited You’ was held from Friday 19th of Aug – Sunday 21st. Nike describes the event as you defining your limits – ‘push yourself beyond your limits and truly test your body and mind’. Each session lasts roughly 2 hours 30 minute in which you either take part in a round with Kobox followed by a Nike Run Club session, or a groundbreaking Barry’s treadmill workout teamed with a Nike Training Club session. I opted for Barry’s treadmill workout as I was freakily persuaded by all the crazy reviews  (crazy as in – be prepared to die, basically). Of course, this was followed by the Nike Training Club session, which was absolutely breath taking. Imagine working out to a live orchestra ft Nike’s brilliant PT’s.

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On arrival I couldn’t help thinking that I entered a completely different world. I was welcomed by a bespoke soundtrack composed by Hot Chip duo Joe Goddard and Alexis Taylor as well as the amazing light installations by United Visual Artists. It felt like something straight out of a movie – one of those secret underground clubs.

Once you’ve checked in you’re given a box (a box full of nike goodies – imagine that!) filled with a Nike T-shirt to wear for the event,  a white wrist band, and a pair of Nike trainers to wear for the first part of the session. These were for the Barry’s Treadmill event – they glowed in the dark which was pretty fancy. Everything in the box was ours to keep, apart from the trainers. Fortunately, JD Sports were kind enough to provide me with my own kit including a full blown Nike outfit and the exact same trainers from the event (I’m in love with it all!)

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The workout

Once we were all changed and the music became increasingly louder BARRY’s was called. Were we ‘ready to define our limits?’. Our group was led in two single files through a dark corridor with the bass vibrating, neon lights flickering and music banging. Excitement and nerves. In this corridor we went through a warm up which soon got our hearts racing.

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Once we completed the workout we were led through double doors where we entered a room full of glowing treadmills behind a huge screen filled with neon shapes and colours. This was our path to follow. The entire room was completely dark being complimented by only the screen in front, the lights from the treadmills and our glowing shoes.

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The workout was extremely tough going through intervals of HIIT. Normally I’m pretty good with HIIT workouts – I like to include these often into my week. However, the speed, heat and gradient of the treadmill left me feeling physically sick. I had never sweated so much in my life! That being said, I certainly defined my limits and pushed myself as hard as I could. I was pretty damn proud. It also helped having a pretty badass sound track to motivate those final pushes.

After the Barry’s treadmill session which was roughly half an hour we then moved onto round two, Nike Training Club. For this we were all given a second pair of trainers to change into. Mine were pink which again, glowed in the dark.

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Now this was probably the most breath taking part (definitely a goosebumps moment) – entering Nike’s Training Club with a live Orchestra set up in the middle of the room. One side was filled with treadmills  (for the Nike Run Club) whilst the other side of the Orchestra was left empty for training. During Nike’s Training Club the live Orchestra played Hot Chip tunes to keep us going (now if that’s not motivation then I don’t know what is!) whilst we’re put through our limits by the Nike Trainers. Overall, the atmosphere was absolutely incredible. Being in a room filled with motivated and passionate individuals really does something good for the soul!


Once the workout is over and after a well deserved applause towards the orchestra we all head up to the rooftop where we’re welcomed by amazing views of East London and post workout fuel.

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I was actually quite surprised with the amount of food we got after – total food heaven moment! We’re talking protein shakes from Barrys fuel bar, protein pancakes from Pip & Nut topped with berries and almond butter and last (but most certainly not least) a choice of delicious and nutritious salads.

Overall, the whole experience was nothing like i’ve ever experienced before. I certainly defined my limits and I left with a memory that will last forever of an experience so unique and powering. An excellent event to encourage, motivate and challenge everybody.

Find out more about the companies…


Barrys Bootcamp


Pip & Nut


Hannah signature name,


(Certain images courtesy of Nike)

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