Rid The Christmas Guilt: Eat, Be Merry, Be Healthy

by hannahandfitness

When it comes to being healthy many people think the answer lies within food. Especially from the likes of kale, superfoods, coconut oil and spices you’ve probably never even heard of. However, it’s become increasingly popular recently that being healthy does not come purely from eating right. A lot of it comes from being happy and healthy within yourself.

Ok, now i’m not saying that eating healthy isn’t important anymore, because it is – of course. But becoming so obsessed with eating healthy rather than focusing on your mind and happiness, is however, not healthy. 

A few years ago I was totally under the spell of those Christmas fad diets ‘lose the Christmas fluff before New Years’, ‘Time to get that Summer Bod’ etc… It’s those kind of ad’s that pile the pressure on the Christmas period to convince you that Christmas is the devil of ‘over-indulgence’ and sadly, it’s amazing how many people fall for those diet plans.


Now, with Christmas being over, we find ourselves lingering in the days where we don’t know what day it is and we’re surrounded by diets juices, tea toxes and beautiful skinny women on social media telling you to ramp up your cardio to fit into that New Year’s dress you’ve had your eye on. And you know what I say to that? Hell to it. 

Now, some of you (I know I am) will still be continuing the festivities after Boxing day and of course this means more food, alcohol and sadly, guilt. But let me tell you this… A few days off plan will not hinder your progress! A few days of enjoyment, eating the foods you desire and making memories should be your priority instead of feeling guilty about the way you look.

I strongly believe that the Christmas period should be a time to indulge, relax with your loved ones, do whatever workouts you want to do (or not) and eat all the food! Note, that when I say the Christmas period I do not mean Christmas day to Boxing day. Nope, screw that. If you’re still wanting to join in the family fun and the cheeseboards after those two days then why shouldn’t you? Don’t let the thoughts of social media or the pressure of excess cardio take away the festivities that this period brings.

So, here’s five ways/reasons to continue eating what you want and working out when you want after the two days of Christmas…

Don’t miss out on making memories

It’s really not worth missing out the post-christmas leftovers and cheeseboards whilst watching your family enjoy themselves, stuff their faces and bond over the excitement that Christmas brings. You’ll end up feeling embarrassed when people question your refusal of food, you’ll feel isolated and most importantly you will regret not eating the foods you really want to eat. Happiness or regret? You choose.

Be grateful for your body and health

It’s silly really that you would even let the thoughts and concerns of how you ‘look’ to ruin not only your Christmas but your loved one’s too. In a way, we’ve become so self absorbed about the way we look that sometimes we just need to knock ourselves back into reality. There really is so much more to life than the way you look. Be grateful for your body and nourish it the way it really deserves, healthy or non healthy. 

Get rid of your body goals 

We’re all guilty of it – scrolling through social media and lusting over our desired body image. Booty, abs, whatever it is… we want what we can’t have. This in turn creates pressure and desire to workout and eat healthy to achieve these goals. Well, over the Christmas period get rid of all the FitInspo you have and just be you. Own it, love it and be damn proud of what you have.


This is the part where you still get to eat what you want and rid the guilt. The way I do it? Get in your veggies, eat at least one/two healthy meals a day, drink enough water and indulge in the less healthy foods that you’re still craving. Whether that be chocolate, cheese, crackers, pudding, whatever – don’t let the guilt over come you. That way your approaching the festive season in a healthy and balanced manner.

Workout when you want to and do the workouts you enjoy

Unfortunately, my social media feed is full of excess cardio workouts, fad diets and low carb meals at the moment. To me, it’s sad to see what normally is a positive community promoting such an unhealthy way to approach fitness. This is not what fitness is about. It’s about doing the workouts you enjoy, working out when you want to and resting when your body tells you. There’s a reason why the Christmas period is called a holiday. So, whilst you may be getting back to your workouts please remember that working out to burn off those extra calories is simply not healthy. Especially doing the workouts you dread! Ease yourself back into it, workout (if you want to), and do the workouts you enjoy. 

Remember, being healthy is about the small habits you repeat daily. Whether that be eating your greens, having some fruit to snack on instead of chocolate or avoiding processed foods as much as you can. But health is also about treating your body well and nourishing it every once in a while with the foods you really want to eat, whether it’s healthy or not. Just remember to enjoy every mouthful, ignore the guilt and make memories – not regrets!





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1 comment

elinta123 December 29, 2016 - 2:16 pm

thank you for this Hannah!! really helped me out xx


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