If you usually find yourself worrying about how to exercise each month when your period rolls around, or if you’re just not sure what’s best for your body, then grab a cuppa because this post is for you…
I’m often asked how I continue to exercise when Mother Nature hits, but if I’m honest, I’ve never really had a problem when it comes to exercising on my period. Despite the cramps and the god-awful back ache, I actually find exercising during my period a bit of a relief. Yes, really.
You see, working out during our period can actually help improve cramps, improve mood and increase energy – rather than moping around on the sofa clutching a hot water bottle for dear life.
Don’t worry though, I’m not here to tell you that exercising during your period will be all sunshines and rainbows from now on, but rather a little bit more manageable. After all, why should our periods keep us from smashing our goals?Â
Pop the pills
I don’t know about you, but as soon as Mother Nature calls, my uterus goes in SOS mode (and so does my back for that matter) and no amount of heat, chocolate or cups of tea can take the pain away. So before I head to the gym I always make sure I take some ibuprofen to help ease the pain (as much as I hate to) if it’s really needed.
In fact, studies have show that some form of pain relief before exercise can help regulate temperature and even boost the amount of time we’re willing to workout for. No brainer really, right?
Switch up your routineÂ
If a particular month I’m feeling a little iffy, crampy or down in the dumps, I’ll switch up my routine to suit the way my body is feeling. Sometimes this means lower weights and higher reps and sometimes this means a long walk on the treadmill finished with lots of stretching. But if those two things still aren’t calling out to me, then a long swim in the pool can help ease my bloated stomach and sore back. Believe me.
Some ladies might find that they’re stronger during their period, and if that’s you, then great, you go girl. But if it’s not (welcome to the club), then take a step back and go easy on your body.
Black is your best friend
Let’s face it, we’re all a little conscious at the gym when Mother Nature is paying a visit. Right?Â
My advice? Grab your darkest gym gear, girl. I will always pick a pair of my comfiest black leggings and pair it with a floaty vest and my baggiest jumper. I often wear tight fitting vests but believe me, with a bloated belly nobody wants to even think about tight fitting clothing, especially at the gym.
When it comes to protection, I seek comfort in my new moon cup. I finally made the transition two months ago and although we had a rocky start together, I’m so glad I made the switch. Periods have never been so subtle!
Stretch it out
I’m not a huge fan of stretching (I know, I know), but when I tell you that it can do wonders for a bloated belly and cramps, just trust me.
I find yoga (or just regular stretching) great for relaxation of the muscles and decreasing cramps and pain. Better yet, it’s also pretty wonderful to reduce tension and stress too.Â
When the gym isn’t an option
Can’t face the gym? Get outdoors! If anything, you might find the outdoors much better for you. Not only can fresh air – and if we’re lucky, sunshine – be a mood booster itself, but walking has now been considered one of the best exercises for your body. And guess what? I bloody love it.
So stick on a podcast, lace up your trainers and get outside.
Of course if you feel unusually fatigued, nauseous or down right rubbish, then stay at home and rest. Although we all like to feel like Super Woman most of the time, when Mother Nature comes to visit it’s super important to listen to our bodies and treat it with kindness. If you can, move more, but if you can’t, listen to your body and rest.

Empowered by women’s health? Check out my other related blog posts…
– Why I’m Turning To Chinese Medicine To Help Balance My Hormones
– How I Balanced My Hormones Coming Off The Pill