If you’re anything like me, then you’re probably also struggling to stay your usual upbeat, positive self during winter.
It’s not uncommon for many of us to lack a little bit of positivity as we struggle our way through frosty mornings, dark evenings and dodging every virus here there and everywhere. But with it being one of the busiest times of the year, staying positive during it all is something we’ve all probably struggled, right?
Personally, I struggle with the cold mornings and snoozing my alarm longer than I need to, which means I miss by morning yoga flow and instead, roll out of bed onto my laptop. Quite literally. But thankfully, by switching up my routine a little bit, I’ve managed to stay positive positive when I start to feel the winter blues creeping in. So, here are my 5 top tips to hopefully help you have a happier and more positive winter this year…

Prioritise sleep
I cannot stress how bloody important sleep is. Seriously. We all know the recommended amount of sleep is 7-8 hours per night, yet many professionals are claiming that insufficient sleep syndrome has become more popular as many individuals choose to sleep less to accommodate their lifestyle choices. In fact, some individuals say they see no reason to sleep. Crazy, huh?
Scarily, a consistent lack of sleep can lead to sleep deprivation in just four days. And guess what? Sleep deprivation can affect our physical state from a lack of energy to a weakened immune system (hello the dreaded lurgy). Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night and stick to a routine.
My top tip? Get in bed at least half an hour before you plan to actually go to sleep, because let’s be honest, you’re going to do some TikTok scrolling, right?
Get outdoors
I’ve always loved being outside, but I often find it a little bit harder when the weather gets colder. Or in our case, very colder. However, there’s nothing like a little team work, right? Sunday’s are our favourite day to put on our walking shoes, wrap up warm in our raincoats (I’m wearing this incredible waterproof parka from adidas linked here) and just go for it.
A lack of sunlight during the winter is thought to be one of the key factors of Seasonal Affective Disorder – aka, SAD. Why? Because sunlight regulates our internal “body clock” (circadian rhythm), hormones and even our metabolism.
Once the summer sun dissappears and a lack of sunlight continues throughout the winter, many people can suffer from a range of SAD symptoms including, low motivation and mood, irritability, lack of concentration, slowed movement, lethargy and loneliness.
As evidence suggests that we should aim for at least 30 minutes of sunlight per day (pushing the boat for some people I know) to avoid symptoms of SAD, I 100% recommend getting outside on your lunch break.
If however, getting outside is difficult for you, then make an extra effort at the weekend to do some more outdoor activities or, purchase a lightbox and sit near a well-lit window at work (if possible).
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the only vitamins that’s difficult to obtain through our diet alone, which is why health professionals recommend that we supplement with 10mcg per day during October-April (adults and children over 1 yrs). Vitamin D is a brilliant mood supplement, therefore, an important vitamin that we shouldn’t skip during winter.

Stay active
No matter the cold, I know for a fact I always feel better when I’ve moved my body. Whether that’s in the morning, daytime or evening, it’s still super important to keep your body moving during winter. I know, it’s easy to want to hibernate on the sofa when you can, right?
With evidence to show that regular exercise can help reduce your risk of depression and other mental health conditions – 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week of moderate-intensity – it’s no surprise that more and more people are working out nowadays to focus on their mental health as much as their physical health.
At the moment, I aim to start my mornings with a yoga flow 3x a week and go for a walk on my lunchtime almost every day, for 30 minutes. For me, that’s the perfect balance.
‘Me’ time
It’s taken me some time to prioritise myself when it comes to self-care, but after a few years of learning how important it is, especially for my hormone health and overall mood, I’m pretty good at knowing when I need to take some ‘me’ time.
If you’re stuck for a some ideas on how to do this, here are a few I like to do at least once a week to give me a little boost:
Soak in a bath with my favourite oils and a good book
– Retail therapy (yup, I said it)
– Outdoor walk (turn your phone off and get outside)
– Pilates
– Yoga and breathwork (helps massively with my anxiety)
– Journal (for me, this is writing a blog post and getting a load of my chest)
– Listen to an uplifting podcast
PS, this post is sponsored by adidas. You can find my leggings and waterproof parka from adidas.co.uk
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