Update: New Fitness Schedule

by hannahandfitness

If you didn’t know already then at the beginning of the year I chose to complete Lauren Gleisberg’s LGFitAndLean workout plan followed by her LGFitKini workout plan (helping you get beach bod ready). I’ve been following her plans for well over a year now and they never disappoint. Kindly enough, Lauren makes these plans completely free and brings together a whole community through the use of social media. A few weeks ago I completed her latest workout plan and these past two weeks I have been following my own weight lifting plan as well as Lauren’s 30×30 Fat Loss Shred plan. Although, I can’t say I enjoy making up my own workout plans – I like structure and I like to know that the workout’s I’m doing have been planned out by qualified people – something of which I am not. I would also like to mention that I feel like I have hit a wall with my progress at the moment – I know my body needs a change because it has slowly gotten used to my current workout plan. It’s actually important to change up routine for this exact reason!

After doing some research I decided to look further into CrushFit. At Christmas time last year I was contacted by CrushFit to see if I would be interested in trying a sample of their workout plan – I agreed and after completing the sample I had to say I was impressed. The workouts were challenging, the plan was easy to read and understand and the design of the schedule was impressive. A lot of thought and attention to detail had gone into the guide and you can instantly see this – not just a crappy knock off guide. However, at the time I was in the middle of LGFitAndLean plan and this was something I was not prepared to stop doing. I’m not one for starting a workout plan and then stopping halfway through – na uh, I like to see the end results of that particular workout plan.

So, I went back to CrushFit and have decided to try out their Crush60 plan. I will however still be incorporating Lauren Gleisberg’s 30×30 fat loss in my weekly schedule as well as Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide as forms of cardio. Not everyday but a few days a week.

What is Crush60?


Crush60 is a strength training workout guide which is split into three sections. Phase 1 focuses on power-building, phase 2 is lean hyper-building and phase 3 is all about building and shredding. The overview of the training focuses on two main goals: Building lean muscle and gaining strength and burning fat to focus on hardening up. The owner, Ben Williamson states that the goal is to engage different types of muscle fibres by drastically changing the weight used within the same exercise

Inside the downloadable pdf you will find the programme overview with the first statement: ‘Crush drives one thing: Results’. Ben has taken his skills and lessons learnt over several years of powerlifting, bodybuilding, athletic training, competing, and tness modeling, and fused it into one easy to follow program.

We’re told that we can expect the following things:

– Increase in lean muscle mass
– Increase in total body strength
– Decrease in overall body fat
– Improved muscular and cardiovascular endurance
– Improved athletic performance and con dance
– Improved overall health

Pretty much the basics of what you expect and want from a weight lifting programme.

You are also provided with a nutrition plan which is extremely helpful for those completely lost or needing some help within that matter. However, I won’t be using the nutrition programme simply because I don’t feel the need to count macro’s nor do I wish (totally my own opinion and some will disagree – which is fine!).

“It’s ever so simple to understand, it’s clear and it has diagrams.”

For me, the main reason I chose to start Crush60 was simply because of it’s design. It’s ever so simple to understand, it’s clear and it has diagrams – pictures, the main thing I look at first when researching new fitness plans! If i’m given a workout plan to follow and it simply has been written then i’m 99% most likely not to look at it again. The main reason being because I’m lazy. When i’m working out and looking at the next move the last thing I want to do is google what that certain move is because I’m unsure. However, pictures are quick to understand and look aesthetically pleasing.

The second reason I chose Crush60 was because it has a community through the use of social media. Once you download your guide you’re provided with a Facebook link to join the CrushFit support group. From what I’ve seen so far you’re provided with ongoing support, motivation and the opportunity to meet fellow CrushFitters. With all my fitness plans I have always been part of a community and truth be told it’s probably the one reason why I’m still on this fitness journey. The support you gain and provide for others is amazing and sometimes just unbelievable and it really does make that difference to your everyday life. No matter what – you will always have somebody there for you.

In fact, from doing the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide I have met up and gained 5 local friends. That’s pretty crazy!

I am yet to start Crush60 – in fact, soon as I publish this post I’ll be hitting up the first workout from the plan! So a full review will be given halfway through the guide and obviously a full review at the end.

I’m excited to start the plan because of the chance to be involved in another community and the results I have seen are pretty impressive – fingers crossed! If you want to follow me on my journey then add follow me on Instagram – hannahandfit. 

Here’s to a new opportunity, a new adventure and hopefully new results…


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